Kunsthistorie 1870-1905
Den franske impressionisme og post-impressionisme dominerede sidste del af 1800-tallet. Impressionisterne var optaget af farven og lyset, og hvordan man kunne fastholde disse flygtige optiske indtryk.
En anden stor bevægelse var Art Nouveau, en international stil indenfor maleri, design og arkitektur, der kulminerede omkring århundredeskiftet. Art Nouveau og postimpressionismen fik afgørende indflydelse på det tyvende århundredes kunst.
Blandt periodens betydeligste kunstnere er Rodin, Manet, Degas, Monet, Cézanne, Gauguin, van Gogh, Seurat, Munch og Klimt.
Art History 1870-1905
The French Impressionism and Post-Impressionism dominated the last part of the 18th century. The Impressionists were occupied by the colour and the light and how to maintain these fleeting optical impressions.
Another big movement was Art Nouveau, an international style in visual art, design and architecture culminating at the turn of the century. Art Nouveau and Post-Impressionism had decisive influence on the art of the 20th century.
Among the most important artists are Rodin, Manet, Degas, Monet, Cézanne, Gauguin, van Gogh, Seurat, Munch and Klimt.