Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau, Jugendstil og Sezessionsstil er en dekorativ stil fra omkring 1890 til 1914 som reaktion mod 1800 tallets akademiske historicisme. Stilen, der havde sin oprindelse fra den engelske Arts and Crafts-bevægelse, blev opkaldt af kunsthandleren Siegfried Bing i 1895, som havde et galleri i Paris ved navn L'Art Nouveau.
International Art Nouveau stil er kendt for de karakteristiske bugtede og asymmetriske linier baseret på planteformer og bredte sig over malerkunst, design og arkitektur. Stilen var især udbredt i Bruxelles, Paris, Wien, Darmstadt, München og Glasgow.
Blandt de betydeligste kunstnere hører plakatkunstneren Alphonse Mucha, tegneren og illustratoren Aubrey Beardsley, maleren Gustav Klimt og arkitekterne Victor Horta, Henry van de Velde, Hector Guimard, Antonio Gaudi og Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau, Jugend Style and Sezession Style are a decorative style from about 1890 to 1914 as a reaction against the academic historicism of the 18th century. The style coming from the English Arts and Crafts was named by the art dealer Siegfried Bing in 1895, who had a gallery in Paris named L'Art Nouveau.
International Art Nouveau style is known for the characteristic winding/meandering and asymmetric lines based on forms of plants, and spread to painting, design and architecture. The style was especially spread in Brussel, Paris, Vienna, Darmstadt, Munich and Glasgow.
Among the most significant artists belong the poster artist Alphonse Mucha,
the draughtsman and illustrator Aubrey Beardsley, the painter Gustav Klimt and the architects Victor Horta, Henry van de Velde, Hector Guimard, Antonio Gaudi and Charles Rennie Mackintosh.